The Do’s and Don’ts of Financial Advisor Video Content


In this rapidly transforming digital world, video content has emerged as an indispensable tool for businesses across the globe.

Financial advisors are finding that this is not just an added bonus, but rather an essential part of effective communication and a robust marketing strategy.

But how does one navigate this bustling world of video content? How can financial advisors use this powerful medium to connect with clients, build trust, and position themselves as industry experts?

In this article, we delve into the intricate world of financial advisor video content. We’ll explore the do’s and don’ts, guiding you through the process of creating video content.

From understanding the importance of authenticity and consistent output to recognising the pitfalls of ignoring your audience or neglecting SEO, we’ve got you covered.

You’ll learn practical ways to implement these principles with real-life examples, helping you craft stellar financial advisor video content that informs, engages, and serves your clients’ best interests.

Whether you’re a seasoned financial advisor or just starting, this comprehensive guide will provide valuable insights, empowering you to harness the power of video content effectively. So, buckle up and let’s dive into the exciting world of financial advisor video content creation.

Seize the Day: The Urgency of Financial Advisor Video Content


There was a time when financial advisors could rely on face-to-face meetings to build relationships. Today, your clients are online. Your potential clients are online. As a financial advisor, you too need to be online.

However, merely being present on the web isn’t enough. You need to be creating financial advisor video content.

HubSpot’s data reveals that over 90% of individuals are yearning for more brand-related videos in 2023.

This figure clearly underscores the pivotal role of video content in influencing the decisions of prospective clients.

The Golden Do’s of Creating Financial Advisor Video Content


Authenticity – Your Most Valuable Asset With Financial Advisor Video Content

Video allows financial advisors to showcase their personality and values in ways that a text-based blog post or an audio podcast can’t.

Use your video content to tell your story. Clients are looking for financial advisors they can trust, and there’s no better way to build trust than by being authentically yourself.

Educate, Don’t Sell

As a financial advisor, your video content should primarily be informative, not promotional. Remember, the goal is to position yourself as an expert in your field.

Inform your clients about market trends, financial strategies, and investment opportunities. The goal of your financial advisor video content should be to create an informed client base.

Consistency Is Key

Publishing financial advisor video content regularly maintains your visibility and establishes you as a trusted source of information.

Choose a realistic schedule and stick to it, whether that’s once a week or once a month. It’s better to release fewer, high-quality videos than a flood of sub-par content.

The Cardinal Don’ts of Creating Financial Advisor Video Content


Don’t Ignore Your Audience

While creating financial advisor video content, it’s essential to keep your audience in mind. Understand their needs, challenges, and aspirations.

Create content that speaks directly to these points. A video discussing the intricacies of private equity may not be relevant to a young professional looking for basic investment advice.

Don’t Forget About SEO

Financial advisor video content can be a powerful tool for SEO. Make sure to include relevant keywords in your video titles, descriptions, and transcripts.

But remember, your primary audience is human viewers, not search engine algorithms. Keyword stuffing can turn off viewers and even lead to penalties from search engines.

Don’t Shy Away from Professional Video Production Services

Indeed, authenticity is essential, but so too is the quality of your output. If the task of creating financial advisor video content appears daunting or the results are falling short of your expectations, it may be worth collaborating with a professional finance video production company.

With their specialised expertise, they can enhance the quality and impact of your video content, enabling you to focus on your primary role – delivering outstanding financial advice.

Practical Examples for Creating Financial Advisor Video Content


Let’s look at how these principles could come to life.

Monthly Market Recap

Consider creating a monthly market recap video. In the video, you could analyse significant events that happened over the month and what they mean for your clients’ investments. This kind of video content would demonstrate your expertise and provide valuable insights to your clients.

Financial Planning 101

Create a series of animated explainer videos that break down complex financial topics into digestible chunks.

For instance, a video on ‘Understanding Retirement Accounts’ or ‘How to Start Investing’ could serve as an excellent educational tool for those new to financial planning.

Client Testimonial

Reach out to a satisfied client and ask if they would be willing to share their positive experience in a testimonial video.

Authentic testimonials can be incredibly compelling and help establish trust with potential clients.

Behind the Scenes

A behind-the-scenes video showing your team, office space, or even a glimpse into your work process can help humanise your brand and make you more relatable.

Conclusion: The Do’s and Don’ts of Creating Video Content for Financial Advisors

To navigate the world of financial advisor video content, remember this: authenticity, education, and consistency are your most potent weapons. While there are certainly don’ts to be mindful of – ignoring your audience, neglecting SEO, or avoiding professional help when needed – they all circle back to one fundamental principle: your video content must serve your clients.

Whether you’re demystifying the latest market trends or sharing a glimpse behind the curtain, your video content should inform, engage, and ultimately, serve your clients’ best interests.

In doing so, you’ll not only solidify your brand as a trusted financial advisor but also take full advantage of the opportunities provided by video content.

In this journey, it’s crucial to remember that seeking professional video production help is not an admission of defeat. On the contrary, it’s a commitment to quality.

Companies like ours are here to elevate your financial advisor video content, ensuring that it shines in the bustling digital landscape.

Crafting video content might feel like charting new territory, but with these do’s and don’ts in mind, it can be an exciting journey. Embrace the challenge, seize the opportunity, and watch as your financial advisory firm steps into a new era of engagement and growth.

Thank you for reading, and if you have any questions about financial advisor video content, please feel free to contact us.